Pretend like we're on the phone...what happened on my surgery day was not what I expected. The entire experience blew my mind. I left my mind completely open like a blank slate, no judgements or preconceived ideas or agendas. I did not allow fear or negativity into my mindset. I only allowed an openness, trust, and optimism. Early on, I decided that these cancer lumps would be the best gift EVER. And they were. This episode is part of the story.
Links mentioned in this episode:
*PRE-order my NEW BOOK: Ayurveda For Life
We all love a good vacation. But what if you could design your days to include more of the things that feel like vacation. In this Ayurveda podcast episode, learn six things you can do daily to bring more fun, celebration, rejuvenation and LIFE into the every day.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Spring Balance Kapha One-Sheet - Download
STORY: Mexican Fisherman & Investment Banker
Monica B's YouTube Channel
My Book: In Your Elements
Have you subscribed to my podcast? If not, be sure to do that today. I'll be adding some great episodes in the mix to help guide and transform your LIFE! I'd hate for you to miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
If this episode helped you, I would be so grateful if you left me a review on iTunes, too. Reviews help other people find my podcast and I love to read them and watch your journey unfold. Simply click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what you're learning so far! Thanks and big love!
The second half of winter and spring is kapha season! In this Ayurveda podcast, learn how to transition from Winter (vata) into Spring (kapha!) with these Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Kapha One-Sheet - Download
Monica B's YouTube Channel
My Book: In Your Elements
In this Ayurveda podcast, let's work on your mindset. No matter the external factors in life (cause things will happen! Always!), your super power will be found when you know exactly what brings you back to a balanced and happy mind.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Episode #44 - Make the most of the spaces in your day
Monica B's YouTube Channel
My Book: In Your Elements
There’s VALUE in using your time wisely because you only get so many hours in the day. There’s also VALUE in consciously creating space and using it well. In this Ayurveda podcast episode we talk about how to intentionally create space to allow flow, creativity and productivity.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Download the 10-Minute Wonders cheat sheet
Monica B's YouTube Channel
My Book: In Your Elements
In this podcast episode, we are talking about how to stop distracting yourself and start doing what matters. Your mindset and focus are the key! I'll give you four steps to bring focus to the things that are most important for YOU.
Links mentioned in this episode:
My Book: In Your Elements
Struggling to adapt? Emotions getting the best of you? In this Ayurveda podcast episode, I teach you how to let those tough emotions roll off and a technique you can use each day to adapt, solve problems, and move forward with optimism.
Links mentioned in this episode:
My Book: In Your Elements
The 3rd Part in the Pitta Series is all about Pitta Spirit. Learn the things that make Pittas spirit SOAR and the things that may dampen their spirit.
Links mentioned in this episode:
FREE Coloring Page
My Book: In Your Elements
Pitta Quick Guide
This is the 2nd part in the Pitta Series — all about understanding the pitta mind. Pittas are drivers, leaders, controllers, and analyzers. They are witty, fully present, and great problem solvers. Learn how pitta can both help and hinder by way of their mind.
Links mentioned in this episode:
My Book: In Your Elements
Pitta Quick Guide
The first of a 3-part Pitta series, today we talk about pitta dosha, specifically the pitta body. In Ayurveda, we talk about pitta skincare, the best exercise for pitta dosha and pitta balancing diet guidelines — and this episode includes all of those Ayurvedic lifestyle guidelines for our pitta friends!
Links mentioned in this episode:
My Book: In Your Elements
Pitta Quick Guide
How can I be my best self while taking care of everything? My friend, you don't have to take care of everything. In this Ayurveda podcast, learn 3 mindset shifts needed to calm the overwhelm and keep things simple. You are already enough.
Links mentioned in this episode:
My Book: In Your Elements
Bloomin' Balance morning routine
The world just got a lot slower! Feeling a little ungrounded or restless? In Ayurveda, this is vata energy. But, don't create your own vata imbalance just because you're too uncomfortable to slow down.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Here's the blog post
My Book: In Your Elements
JOIN US! Bloomin' Balance 21-day challenge!
In this episode you'll learn how strong immunity is created from an Ayurvedic perspective. And, you'll learn 5 Ayurvedic practices to keep your immunity strong!
Links mentioned in this episode:
5 Ayurvedic Tips for Sound Sleep
My Book: In Your Elements
Some of us in the U.S. move our clocks 1 hour forward, which also means we lose 1 hour of sleep. Some people get worried or have a hard time recovering. So! Here are 5 easy Ayurvedic tips to balance the spring time change.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Episode #4 Ayurvedic Daily Routine
Episode #9 Spring Cleaning for your body and mind
You won't be depressed after listening to this episode! Take charge of the blues with these 6 Kapha dosha remedies for depression. This episode is not just for kaphas, but vatas and pittas, too. Anybody can suffer the blues from time to time. Use these six Ayurvedic principles to create new patterns and begin to rise into a more vibrant space.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Kitchari Cleanse - sorry, no longer available
Episode #3 Agni & Ama
Episode #7 Qualities of the Mind
The 3rd and FINAL episode in the Kapha Series is all about Kapha Spirit. Learn the things that make kaphas spirit SOAR and the things that may dampen their spirit.
Links mentioned in this episode:
FREE Kapha Quick Guide
Vata Series Episode 25
This is the 2nd part in the Kapha Series — all about understanding the kapha mind. Kaphas are risk-averse, steady, single-focused, slow, patient & thorough. Learn how kaphas can both help and hinder by way of their mind.
Links mentioned in this episode:
FREE Kapha Quick Guide
Vata Series Episode 25
This 3-part Kapha Series we begin with the kapha body. In this Bringing Ayurveda to Life podcast episode, we talk about kapha skincare, the best exercise for kapha dosha and kapha balancing diet guidelines. Share this with your kapha friends or with people who need to understand kaphas better!
Links mentioned in this episode:
FREE Kapha Quick Guide
Vata Series Episode 25
I don't talk much about Ayurveda remedies or how to cure any sickness because in Ayurveda the rule, "it depends" is the cornerstone of treatment, causes and everything else. Ayurveda is specific to the individual.
But! Sometimes we just get a cold and we can benefit from some quick Ayurveda cold remedies that actually work! So, today I share my 5 musts I do to remedy my cold (or any mild sickness), using Ayurveda.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Episode #3: Agni, Digestive Fire
In Your Elements Book
Blooming Ayurveda Coloring Book
In this episode I give some special Holiday Helps for the food (er, weight gain), the cold (winter!), and the emotions (mindset) — so you can feel nice and balanced this holiday season! Enjoy these Ayurvedic holiday health tips to find balance in our mind, body and spirit.
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
Episode #26: What's with the Oils?!
“Let’s play!” Vatas have a playful and light-hearted spirit! The final episode in our 4-part vata-balancing series talks about vata spirit! In this 'Bringing Ayurveda to Life' podcast episode, learn my 4 tips to help vata dosha's spirit enlivened and perceptive without losing their ground.
Links to support this episode:
Episode #2: The Three Doshas
Vata Series, begin with Episode #25
Free Vata Quick guide
Book: In Your Elements on Amazon
If vata is your dosha, don't miss this vata-balancing series! This Ayurveda podcast episode focuses on how to balance a vata mind. Learn about vata mind tendencies and mindful vata tips to keep your mind centered, peaceful and focused.
Links to support this episode:
Episode #2: The Three Doshas
Free Vata Quick guide
Book: In Your Elements on Amazon
Learn why Ayurveda uses oils! In this vata-balancing podcast episode, we will talk about the benefits of using oils internally and externally especially for balancing vata dosha.
Links to support this episode:
Episode #25: The Three Doshas
Free Vata Quick guide
Book: In Your Elements on Amazon
In the 'Bringing Ayurveda to Life" podcast episode 25, we kick off the first in a 3-part series all about Vata Dosha. We talk in detail about what balances a vata-type body. AND! Enjoy the bonus vata-balancing tips at the end!
Links to support this episode:
Episode #2: The Three Doshas
Free Vata Quick guide
Book: In Your Elements on Amazon
Time change in Ayurveda affects vata dosha (energy of movement), which can leave us feeling low energy, anxious, or frazzled because, well, we've made a fast change. It can take some of us weeks to adjust but the 6 Ayurvedic tips to survive the fall time change will help you slide back nicely into nature's rhythm quickly.
Links to support this episode:
Episode #2: The Three Doshas
Free Vata Quick guide
Book: In Your Elements on Amazon
Vata is the energy of movement in our bodies and minds. If our mind is racing or anxious, the goal is to decrease the energy of vata.
We live in a vata-increasing world and often struggle to calm our racing or anxious mind. If you feel a bit anxious, this ayurveda podcast episode highlights 5 things to avoid and 5 fixes.
Links to support this episode:
Episode #2: The Three Doshas
Episode #20: Why Am I Pooping Pellets?
BLOG: 5 Ayurvedic Tips For Sound Sleep
We are usually aware of the choices that are best for us but taking the action, is another story!
"I know the right choice to make, but WHY don't I actually follow through with it?!" This relates to our buddhi, or wisdom. In this Aurvedic podcast episode, I'll give you 3 tips to help you STICK to those right choices and right action.
Links to support this episode:
Episode #18: Mistaken Intellect
In Your Elements Book
Watch the Video on YouTube
The basic Ayurvedic nutrition guidelines have a lot to do with how we eat, not just what we eat. Based on the 'one size does not fit all' principle in Ayurveda, nutrition is not generalized, it is personalized. This blend of personalized nutrition and eating in the right way is what makes nutrition a powerful healer all on its own.
Links to support this episode:
Episode #7: Three Qualities of the Mind (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas)
In Your Elements Book
If you are pooping sad little balls or pooping pellets...whatever you want to call it, Ayurveda says you’re either at the brink of getting constipated or maybe have constipation for a while. In any case, the hard poop is coming out in little balls, and it's making you sad.
In this episode are five causes of hard stools and easy constipation home remedies. These Ayurvedic tips should help your digestion and bowel movements so that you can poop much happier!
Links to support this episode:
Blog Post: Why am I Pooping Sad Little Balls?
Vata Diet & Lifestyle Cheat Sheet
In Your Elements Book
In this episode, learn 5 diet & lifestyle tips to transition into vata season (or from summer to fall), based on Ayurveda.
The "joint in the seasons" is when we can get sick because the qualities of the seasons are different. These simple transitions in diet & lifestyle, prep us for the season coming up so our body can adjust accordingly.
Links to support this episode:
Blog Post: 5 Tips to Transition to Vata Season
Ayurvedic Daily Routine
In Your Elements Book
In Ayurveda, one of the three categories for imbalance is: wrong choices or mistaken intellect.
Examples of this Ayurvedic philosophy (or should I say...daily life lesson) can sneak into our lives in so many different ways. But if you're unaware of it showing up, you might not learn the lessons. In this episode of Bringing Ayurveda to Life, we'll bring awareness to what mistaken intellect really is, how to recognize it and how to correct it!
Links to support this episode:
The 3-Question Survey
In Your Elements Book
In this episode of Bringing Ayurveda to Life, we talk about pitta dosha and 7 things that drives pittas crazy! in Ayurveda, each dosha has certain tendencies, so it's easy to drive each other crazy when we don't know what to expect from or deliver to one another. The seven tips in this episode are relationship GOLD if a) pittas learn how to use the fixes and b) if vatas and kaphas are aware of what drives pittas bonkers. Have fun learning about yourself and transforming your relationships with this fun perspective with Ayurveda!
Links to support this episode:
Pitta Summer Quick Guide
In Ayurveda, when the seasons change, we need to adjust our diet and lifestyle practices. In this episode about pitta seasonal balance, you will learn about pitta diet, pitta exercise, cooling pitta skincare and more! Whether you are a pitta dosha or whether you're in pitta season, enjoy this episode with 6 ways to transition your diet & lifestyle from spring into summer, based on Ayurveda.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Pitta Summer Quick Guide
Meditation Apps: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer
In this episode you'll learn how to easily identify and choose the right foods for you, yes, personally you. Eating intuitively, eating mindfully , creating personalized eating does not have to be hard. I give you 2 simple things to get started on in this week's episode on intuitive eating.
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
A simple look at the differences between Ayurveda vs Western Medicine. They are like night and day! No judging — they both have their place. But to become masters of our own health and bring empowerment to our lives, Ayurveda may provide a refreshing approach.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Episode 1: What is Ayurveda?
Episode 2: The Three Doshas
In Your Elements Book
What kind of digestion do you have? In Ayurveda, there are four types of digestion, or agni. They are usually related to a specific dosha, but not always. Find out your type of digestion and learn the fixes that help balance them.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Dosha Menus
Dosha Test
In Your Elements Book on Amazon
It's the place where people get stuck the most in Ayurveda, so let's unstick you! If you are confused about your combinations of doshas or which dosha to balance first, don't miss this episode! I give 3 steps to begin to discover and balance your dosha(s).
Links mentioned in this episode:
Dosha Confusion CHEAT SHEET
Episode #2 - The Three Doshas
When we can't stop eating, feel always hungry or are always snacking, there's a reason and it's not physical hunger! In this episode, I'll teach you about what you are likely MISSING, which is HIGHER FOOD. Ayurveda says that there's more to nourishment than food-food, so I'll share an unexpected perspective that can help you through this the next time it happens.
Links mentioned in this episode
Episode #7: 3 qualities of the mind: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas
Youtube video: Higher Food
In this episode I'll tell you the number #1 thing to do that is absolutely essential in order to have great energy all day.
If you are someone who suffers from energy slumps or low energy, this might be your simple solution to give you an energy boost. Expect the unexpected. This is a natural way to help you wake up better, improve your energy and create sustained energy all day.
When the seasons change, spring cleaning is definitely a thing! In this episode you'll learn why (and how) our bodies and minds also benefit from a spring cleanse.
Links mentioned in this episode:
MINI COURSE: Ayurveda 101 mini course
VIDEO: Shift from S.A.D. to HAPPY
Because we are unique individuals, Ayurveda says each dosha requires a slightly different diet, too! Ayurvedic eating is customized and acts, in a way, as preventative medicine. If we are eating the right foods for our unique bodies, our minds will thrive, our bodies will function well, and our immunity will be strong! And if not, we'll have problems :) Check out this episode to learn which foods are best for you!
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
Dosha Menus
You know all that time, money and care we spend taking care of our bodies?!
What if I told you, the mind is actually more important than the body! To create a healthier body, we must start with a healthier mind. Learn about the qualities of the mind in this episode.
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
During a long winter season, the outdoors and nature overall can feel so lifeless, dark and cold! That’s why we can feel S.A.D. But there are things we can do to create an uplift and vigor.
Counterbalance the winter dregs by bringing LIFE to the indoors and let’s use our five senses as healing vehicles.
In this episode, I'll tell you five of my favorite practices you can easily do at home to bring the HAPPY!
Links mentioned in this episode:
HAPPY Cheat Sheet
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
"What is one small change I can make that would get great results?"
While it was difficult to choose just one, here's my favorite. This ONE change comes with FIVE super impactful results!
It could be the answer you're looking for. You have no idea of the power within this simple change until you start practicing.
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
We know doshas rule our bodies, but they also rule certain times of day, the seasons, and stages of life.
If we do the wrong things at the wrong time, it's like swimming upstream. Wrong timing is considered a causative factor of disease, or imbalance.
Once we know what doshas are strongest at specific times, we can adjust our routine accordingly to go with the flow of those doshas to achieve overall balance.
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
The body's internal digestive fire is called our agni. When agni functions properly, whatever we have eaten gets digested and absorbed by the body's tissues. Then the body eliminates waste. Pretty simple.
However, when doshas or tissues are imbalanced due to lifestyle, diet, negative emotions, etc., agni becomes weakened or disturbed and therefore cannot digest food properly.
The function of agni is the main contributor to our physical and mental health and when agni functions properly, we thrive. But when agni malfunctions, we get sick and we can accumulate ama (toxins).
In this episode you'll learn:
• The right times to eat and why
• How to avoid ama (toxins)
• How to "train" your digestion to work properly
• The biggest mistake we make when eating
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
Many people find the doshas to be the most exciting part of Ayurveda to learn! Because that's when you discover who YOU are including why you act the way you do, and think like you do.
One of my students summed it up nicely when she said, "OMG it's like my whole life makes sense now!!"
Yep. Once you know your dosha(s), you can make the right choices in your diet & lifestyle practices based on what YOU need, forever.
All three doshas vata, pitta, and kapha are present in all of us, all the time. But 1 or 2 doshas will be dominant. According to Ayurveda, like increases like, so whatever your dosha, you'll use the opposite qualities to drive your customized diet & lifestyle choices. And that's where the path to healing and longevity begins.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Dosha Test
Dosha Snapshots
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
Ayurveda literally translates to the "knowledge of or science of life." It's goal is to teach diet & lifestyle practices that prevent disease so we can live a long and healthy life — according to who we are as an individual.
Ayurveda is a WHOLE medical system, including mind, body and spirit, seeing us as complete individuals.
Most of our health concerns and be cured and prevented with diet and lifestyle alone and this is where Ayurveda truly excels in today's world!!
With a little Ayurvedic knowledge of who we truly are + best daily practices, we have full empowerment to live a long and healthy life.
Links mentioned in this episode:
In Your Elements Book
Monica B's YouTube Channel
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