"When Ayurveda is made simple and customized for you, you have all the power to transform your life."

- Monica B.








"Monica B is amazing! I just LOVE her. Her course is amazing and I've spent 7 years diving into ayurveda as a teacher myself. I highly recommend it."

Tara P. - British Columbia, Canada

"The course is lovely! Highly recommend to review and improve your life."

Kathy M.

A complete roadmap that combines Ayurveda and Modern Life.

I get it. You have a busy lifestyle and just want to know how to do better for yourself.

That's why this course is built with our modern life in mind.

You won't find complex philosophies or esoteric remedies. In fact, I don't even use much sanskrit, so that it's accessible to you.

Create Your Best Life course was created with the busy, modern professional in mind. So that you can keep doing the things you love in a way that balances you and suits your lifestyle.


Here's what you'll learn along the journey:

• Solid understanding of what makes you tick  - what makes you, you!

• Stronger relationships -  you'll know what makes them, them!

• A daily routine that fuels your energy - when you do the right things at the right time, your life becomes harmonious

• Nutritional guidelines based on Ayurveda - this unlocks the door to your clarity and empowerment with food 

• Customized meal plan for YOU to properly build the body, pacify the mind and boost immunity

• Correct and optimize your digestion because proper digestion is the basis for good health

• How the mind-body-spirit works together to support (or destroy) one another

• And, any of these happy side effects can happen: better sleep, better poop, rid your headaches, release stress, improved daily energy, and most of all, permission and validation to BE YOU.



In Your Elements E-Book*

Your home base for Ayurvedic basics. We will reference it in class. *Due to COVID, shipping outside the US is unreliable, so you'll get the E-Book to reference. 

Worksheets & Journal

Track your progress! Over 30 pages of worksheets and journal pages to reflect and implement true change.

6 Modules Self-Paced

You'll get immediate access to the entire course. Do it all at once, or one week at a time. Review it again and again!

Lifetime Access

Never expires so you'll able to review this again and again. Recommended to do at least 1x per year to reset and adjust.

You'll Get Support

Monica B answers all your questions in the classroom forum. You'll also get access to the private Facebook Group.

"The course is wonderful and Monica makes it easy to understand and use in your everyday life"

Kathryn B.

"Noooooo, I don't want it to end!!!! This was an awesome and enlightening experience. I learned many things, let go of some things that were not allowing for growth, accepted concepts I turned my nose up too, laughed, shed some tears, gave the concepts and experience a fair chance by putting in the effort AND I am happier, better because of it."

T. A. - Illinois, USA

The complete Create Your Best Life course includes:

* 6 Weeks of Video-Based Training

* Online Training Portal — everything you need in one place

* Step-by-Step Roadmap to Creating Your Ayurvedic Plan

* LIFETIME ACCESS to the training

* Support! Monica B answers your questions in the classroom

* Private Facebook Community Group

* A digital copy of the E-Book, In Your Elements

(Value: $2,250)


Value over $2,541

Enroll in 'Create Your Best Life' today



Week 1  | Get Grounded

An overview and ground rules. Building a strong Ayurvedic foundation. Most of us don't know the rules and mistaken intellect is one of the causes of disease/imbalance. This week you'll learn the basics so you have solid footing for applying the practices.

Week 2  | Dosha Discovery

In-depth knowledge of the 3 doshas. Vata, pitta and kapha govern our bodies and the nature surrounding us! You'll get very familiar with these 3 "faults" learning where they live in our bodies and what your dosha might be! Learn the tendencies that help each dosha excel and watch out for what creates imbalance in the doshas. This week, you'll build an understanding of how you are unique!

Week 3  | Balancing Lifetime

Another one of the causative factors of imbalance is not doing things at the right time. Timing is everything because nature has a clock. When we live according to nature's clock, we will be more healthy than if  we don't. So,  timing matters. This week you'll learn to practice the right things at the right time in our day, our season and our life time.

Week 4  | New-Trition Part 1

It is said that most (90%) of all disease is caused by malfunctioning agni, our digestive fire. You'll learn how it functions best and what to do if it doesn't, and how to know if agni is weak. This week, learn how to build a strong digestive fire and good nutritional habits based on your dosha.


Week 5  | New-Trition Part 2

Taking nutrition one step deeper, this is where we break down the food's "6 tastes". The right balance of the 6 tastes for your dosha, brings harmony to the body and mind. Knowledge of the 6 tastes is how we stay optimally healthy and heal with our food! This week build your customized meal plan.


Week 6  | A Mindful Toolbox

The mind is the control center of our entire body, in fact, the mind doesn't reside in the brain, it pervades the entire body! Since the body and mind are connected, bringing harmony to one will lead the other to harmony as well. This week it all comes together to build out your whole Ayurvedic plan.


I'm excited to work with students who are excited to do the work! Change does not come from wishing for it. Real transformation happens when you engage, learn and begin to put the learnings into practice. 


Want self-empowerment over your own health and life!

Are willing to change your current daily and dietary habits

Are open minded to new practices and philosophies

Are excited about creating a new you in this next step of your journey

Can make room on your calendar 1 hour per week, for 6 weeks OR one day for 6 hours, to attend class. It's self-paced but the best results come from dedicated learning time.


You want quick fixes, mystical remedies, and herbal concoctions

You are unwilling to make changes to your current diet and lifestyle

You don't want to make time to attend the classes

You don't have a burning desire to create a better you 


I'm thrilled to be your teacher on this journey! The self-transformation process is sooo close to my heart because 12 years ago, I was right where you are now!

I needed to better myself. I needed healing. I needed direction. I needed to bring my power back. And, I needed to be recognized like the individual that I am! *AMEN*

But I didn't know how.

Shortly after, I found Ayurveda on the internets. And I cried so hard because I knew right then, it was my life's work to learn and share "this Ayurveda thing"— with as many people as possible.

I never want anybody to feel like I did — without direction, without tools, and only access to generic formulas that "work for everybody."

Nope. Not good enough. Our life depends on it.

You deserve clear direction. You deserve to be seen. You deserve to have full empowerment. And you deserve a life on your terms.

I applaud that you're still reading because based on that alone, I know you're ready for the course. It's your time.

Enroll today and can't wait to see you there...

Monica B.

p.s. if you have questions about the program or enrollment, send me a note: [email protected]

Enroll in 'Create Your Best Life' today


"I have a much better handle now on how much I need to eat, and when to stop eating! My face is consistently not puffy, I am no longer getting the afternoon cloudiness, and sleeping is now super luxurious! Thank you so much for making this journey so accessible!! "

T. D. - Maryland, USA

50% Complete

Two Step

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