Why You're Low on Energy


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Today, we're going to talk about why low energy happens and some of the tools we can use to boost our energy in an instant.

A couple weeks ago, one of my dear, sweet clients was talking to me and she said, "You know, I had low energy, so I was looking to try and find a food that would give me more energy."

I said, "Stop. Were you hungry?" She said, "I don't know." I said, "How do you know it's food that you need to give you more energy? Just because we're eating more food doesn't necessarily mean we're going to get more energy and, in fact, if we eat too much food, we're going to get even lower energy."

It was like a light bulb went off for her.

I wanted to share that with you, too. When you're feeling low energy and reach for a snack food, bring awareness to your hunger. Ask yourself "Am I hungry? Do I feel the burn in my stomach? Do I feel that hunger for more food or do I...

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Ayurvedic Holiday Survival Guide

Happy Holidays! We're in the thick of it and it can either feel stressful and daunting or ALIVE and JOYFUL! The good news is you are in the driver's seat and can create either scenario. But sometimes you just need a little guidance to get there.

I've created a Free Ayurvedic Holiday Survival Guide so that you can THRIVE during holiday, not just survive. YOU are the one who shapes your experience of the season — create the joy and feel the SPIRIT.

Show up in body, mind and spirit! When you walk in the door, YOU create the energy of the greeting. Give them a lottery-winning hug! When you're engaging with others, YOU choose to look in their eyes and fully listen. When you see the pickle platter is kinda empty, YOU can offer help to the hostess. If the conversation is dry, YOU pick something interesting to talk about. And when you say goodbye, give another HUGE hug as if it might be the last time you see that person.

See how that energy is more vibrant when we...

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