What Does Ayurveda Say About Disease?


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Transcript below:
The reason why I wanted to start this is because we make decisions all day long, every day in relation to our health and well-being. And that's what Ayurveda's really all about.

Ayurveda says that the things that we do daily is what makes the difference in our health over the long-term.

And so that's what we're after. And earlier this week I asked for some suggestions from you, about what you want to know about Ayurveda diet and lifestyle.

You guys gave me lots of ideas! People had all kinds of different perspectives and different ideas, but there was one thing that I saw that was a common thread.

And it was so awesome, so I turned it into the topic. And so today, we are going to talk about...

What does Ayurveda say about disease?

And why am I bringing up disease? Because so many of you had all these topics, but then ot...

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Awesome Resource to Relieve Upper Back Tension

SO! For the past four weeks, my neck, head, shoulders, and upper back have been a HOT MESS. Pain! Tightness! Moving like a robot!

Insight: I went back to my old job part time so maybe that has something to do with it (feeling the weight of the world?).

Can anyone else relate to crazy tension like that? 

I blame hours at the computer and clenching my jaw at night. Hot mess. Anyway, been having headaches, my teeth/jaw hurts when I chew, and I can't turn/loop my head which comes in handy, you know, for things like looking around when I'm driving.

I've been adjusting my work chair, doing yoga for my hips and lower back, oil massage, peppermint oil rub, tapping my face, lots of stretching, lots of water, laying on the hard floor, sleeping on my back, you name it. I even used some kind of shiatsu device to dig all in there (um, ouch). Nothing helped.

But LAST NIGHT I found my holy grail of yoga goodness for upper back care. It is definitely a challenging practice. It hurt and felt awe

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Why Ayurveda Does Not Recommend Yogurt



Hey Monica B, I'm trying to breakfast easy, so I'm trying not to eat yogurt. Is non-dairy yogurt okay to eat?

In answering her question, I'd like to address two things. One, why Ayurveda does not recommend yogurt. Two, why "substitutey" foods are not a good idea.

According to Ayurveda, yogurt is not beneficial to anybody.

Yogurt is really not the best thing for our digestion and can cause problems. Why?

Because yogurt digests too sour and heating for pitta. It is too sour, goopy , heavy and cold for kapha. And it is too cold for vata, it's like putting their digestive fire under a snow pack. It's just too darn cold.

You might be thinking, "Sour? No, it's sweet." No, it's sour. It only tastes sweet because they have to add a ton of sugar to it because it's naturally really dang sour :) That amount of sour taste along with the cold and goopy qualities imbalances all 3 doshas. It completely dampens/extinguishes digestive fire and clogs channels. 

She knew all this, which is why...

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Ayurvedic Holiday Survival Guide

Happy Holidays! We're in the thick of it and it can either feel stressful and daunting or ALIVE and JOYFUL! The good news is you are in the driver's seat and can create either scenario. But sometimes you just need a little guidance to get there.

I've created a Free Ayurvedic Holiday Survival Guide so that you can THRIVE during holiday, not just survive. YOU are the one who shapes your experience of the season — create the joy and feel the SPIRIT.

Show up in body, mind and spirit! When you walk in the door, YOU create the energy of the greeting. Give them a lottery-winning hug! When you're engaging with others, YOU choose to look in their eyes and fully listen. When you see the pickle platter is kinda empty, YOU can offer help to the hostess. If the conversation is dry, YOU pick something interesting to talk about. And when you say goodbye, give another HUGE hug as if it might be the last time you see that person.

See how that energy is more vibrant when we engage in mind and spirit ...

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