What Does Ayurveda Say About Disease?


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Transcript below:
The reason why I wanted to start this is because we make decisions all day long, every day in relation to our health and well-being. And that's what Ayurveda's really all about.

Ayurveda says that the things that we do daily is what makes the difference in our health over the long-term.

And so that's what we're after. And earlier this week I asked for some suggestions from you, about what you want to know about Ayurveda diet and lifestyle.

You guys gave me lots of ideas! People had all kinds of different perspectives and different ideas, but there was one thing that I saw that was a common thread.

And it was so awesome, so I turned it into the topic. And so today, we are going to talk about...

What does Ayurveda say about disease?

And why am I bringing up disease? Because so many of you had all these topics, but then ot...

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Awesome Resource to Relieve Upper Back Tension

SO! For the past four weeks, my neck, head, shoulders, and upper back have been a HOT MESS. Pain! Tightness! Moving like a robot!

Insight: I went back to my old job part time so maybe that has something to do with it (feeling the weight of the world?).

Can anyone else relate to crazy tension like that? 

I blame hours at the computer and clenching my jaw at night. Hot mess. Anyway, been having headaches, my teeth/jaw hurts when I chew, and I can't turn/loop my head which comes in handy, you know, for things like looking around when I'm driving.

I've been adjusting my work chair, doing yoga for my hips and lower back, oil massage, peppermint oil rub, tapping my face, lots of stretching, lots of water, laying on the hard floor, sleeping on my back, you name it. I even used some kind of shiatsu device to dig all in there (um, ouch). Nothing helped.

But LAST NIGHT I found my holy grail of yoga goodness for upper back care. It is definitely a challenging practice. It hurt and felt awe

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3 Ayurvedic Remedies for Tummy Troubles


How many of you get tummy troubles from time to time? It can be such a bummer! But I have help :) 

First of all, there are a lot of different kinds of tummy troubles including gassies, bloaties, crampies, loose poops and stuck poops. But what they all have in common is that agni, our digestive fire, is not working properly.

I have three remedies to share with you that may fix the problem in a pinch and work to increase agni's strength overall.

But before we get into it, please know that in Ayurveda, one size does not fit all. For this reason, I usually don't share remedies because if the wrong person with the wrong problem tries the wrong remedy, Ayurveda will not work and/or they could have wrong/worse effects.

Keeping that in mind, I'll be a little bit general, but overall, we want to make sure that agni digestive fire is working properly. When our digestive fire is working we, for the most part, are really dang healthy. So it's super important.

In addition to the three remedies, ...

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