When your inner wisdom gets LOUD

Dang, when we have peace and quiet with our own thoughts, the truth comes OUT!!

I wrote this last night, to myself. It's around my lack of love or adherence to: planning! Planning.

I hate planning (did you see that? negative right there), I'm not good at it (see that? another one), it takes too much time (neggy). Besides I thrive even if I don't plan (closed mind), so I would much rather (ego-based) fly by the seat of my pants (comfort zone).

But my WISDOM says what's in this quote. Dang. I am listening and I will act upon this wisdom.

What do you constantly tell yourself over and over but you're still NOT doing it!?

Go there. USE YOUR WISDOM and DO that thing!!!!! It's probably not as hard as you THINK it is.

Your best life lies where you are too uncomfortable to go right now — so go there.

Big love, Monica B.

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Daily Ayurveda: A Lesson in Mistaken Intellect...from a Tambourine

In Ayurveda, one of the three categories for imbalance is: wrong choices or mistaken intellect. 

Examples of this Ayurvedic philosophy (or should I say...daily life lesson) can sneak into our lives in so many different ways. But if you're unaware of it showing up, you might not learn the lessons.

The best Ayurveda is used daily and it's actually simple — you just need to know what to look out for. 

So let's bring some awareness to what mistaken intellect in Ayurveda really is, how to recognize it and how to correct it!

I've been traveling the past 2 weeks eeking out the last bit of summer before my daughter starts school on Monday.

For the second half of our trip I went Wisconsin to see my family and dear friends — I even taught an 'Ayurveda Made Easy' workshop for about 30 students at my friend's yoga studio! 

While prepping for WI, there was ONE main thing I kept top of mind and that was, "Avoid hurting your achilles tendon again..."

See, last year, my friend's husband playe...

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Be the boss of your energy

Our energy is a CHOICE.

If you don't love your day yet, you have all the power to change it in an instant.

One of the fastest ways to create a quick energy uplift is to move your body.

Action transforms things. When we are transforming we are changing. When we move our body, our mind changes. When we gain the right mindset, we can jump up quickly to a higher level of positivity.

Ideas to change your energy:

Next time you find yourself not loving the day, it probably has to do with the energy you are putting into it, rather than the energy you are gleaning from it.

The more we complain, the worse we feel.

So stop that! ha. I don't say that out of judgement, I say that coming from a place of empowerment.

Don't let your day take you for a ride, be the boss of your day.

Change your energy. Own it and change it to a positive ANY time!! *raaawwwr*

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How to Create High Quality Mind: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash



 Let's chat about how to create a high quality mind by learning about sattva, rajas and tamas.

Cause, you know all that time, money and care we spend taking care of our bodies?!

Well, what if I told you...the mind is actually more important than the body! *big smile* To create a healthier body, we must start with a healthier mind.

The mind is the control center, the driver, of all we think and do.

When the mind makes choices, whether right or wrong, the body follows suit.

Example, if our mind chooses to get up early for exercise, breathing, and meditation, the body will do so. The body will feel energized and good based on that decision.

Flip side, if our mind chooses to sleep in, rush out the door, grab a coffee (for energy!) and pastry to go, the body will feel the effects of that rush and will only have nutrition as good as we've made time for.

These are choices. The body...

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What Each Dosha Needs in a Relationship

Grab a copy of my book In Your Elements on Amazon!

Interacting positively with each other is what makes life AWEsome so we should know what the doshas need emotionally to feel supported and loved in their relationships.

Use the insights in this video to start reshaping and invigorating your LIFE with the people who surround you.

I swear, when you have amazing relationships, life gets RICHER! All great relationships begin with you, so this is all about self-awareness, expression and showing our appreciation for those we care about.

In summary, here's what they need.

What vatas need in a relationship

Freedom of expression. Give them space to freely sing, dance, emote, play, whatever. They will get sad if they feel they don't have the allowance or the space to express themselves

Confidence builders. We all know confidence comes from the inside but vatas are emotionally sensitive and tend to be self-doubters. So while they work on building their confidence from the inside, kind wo...

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A New Perspective When Setbacks Bum You Out

One of you wrote to me and said: I had a couple discouraging weight loss setbacks early on that stopped me in my tracks for a couple weeks...

And I responded: OK!!! May I? Weight loss. Weight is a number. Focus more on your a) overall energy b) how you feel in your body c) how your clothes fit d) knowing that no matter what the results now, you are doing the RIGHT thing and that transformation takes time.

Sometimes numbers can bum us out and suck away our motivation! Don't let them tap your spirit, they are just numbers.

A story: 10 years ago, I was a personal trainer and taught an outdoor women's bootcamp at the crack of dawn in San Francisco right near the water (view of the Golden Gate bridge!). We had a BLAST each morning!! Everybody worked hard, had fun, told stories, made friends.

When the 8-week session was over, us coaches had to do a health assessment including weigh-in, fat check, and measurements for each woman. Some gals were happy with their results and some were broug...

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Why You're Low on Energy


Visit my YouTube Channel for more videos.
Transcript below 

Today, we're going to talk about why low energy happens and some of the tools we can use to boost our energy in an instant.

A couple weeks ago, one of my dear, sweet clients was talking to me and she said, "You know, I had low energy, so I was looking to try and find a food that would give me more energy."

I said, "Stop. Were you hungry?" She said, "I don't know." I said, "How do you know it's food that you need to give you more energy? Just because we're eating more food doesn't necessarily mean we're going to get more energy and, in fact, if we eat too much food, we're going to get even lower energy."

It was like a light bulb went off for her.

I wanted to share that with you, too. When you're feeling low energy and reach for a snack food, bring awareness to your hunger. Ask yourself "Am I hungry? Do I feel the burn in my stomach? Do I feel that hunger for more food or do I just not know what else to do?"

Maybe you aren'...

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Ayurvedic Holiday Survival Guide

Happy Holidays! We're in the thick of it and it can either feel stressful and daunting or ALIVE and JOYFUL! The good news is you are in the driver's seat and can create either scenario. But sometimes you just need a little guidance to get there.

I've created a Free Ayurvedic Holiday Survival Guide so that you can THRIVE during holiday, not just survive. YOU are the one who shapes your experience of the season — create the joy and feel the SPIRIT.

Show up in body, mind and spirit! When you walk in the door, YOU create the energy of the greeting. Give them a lottery-winning hug! When you're engaging with others, YOU choose to look in their eyes and fully listen. When you see the pickle platter is kinda empty, YOU can offer help to the hostess. If the conversation is dry, YOU pick something interesting to talk about. And when you say goodbye, give another HUGE hug as if it might be the last time you see that person.

See how that energy is more vibrant when we engage in mind and spirit ...

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Learn mindset shifts and daily practices to help you feel GOOD each day when life brings stress or the unexpected.